
If you’re pregnant, you might be a little bit too familiar with advice from passersby concerning your pregnancy and the health of your baby. These ideas may be confusing, and ultimately it’s up to you to determine what the right advice is. If you’re struggling to find good advice about staying healthy while pregnant, here
Organization is my love language. Even if it’s not yours, consider this: Home is the launchpad of our lives, and if yours is suffocating under the weight of stuff and disorder, your energy, brainpower and well-being are suffering the same fate. Even before Marie Kondo hit the scene, research revealed just how life-changing a tidy
The mom overload is SO REAL. Mamas juggle so much—mentally, physically and emotionally—which is why I live for a good mom hack. I am here for any tip or product (especially if it’s foolproof) that makes my life a little easier. To help smooth the bumpy road that motherhood can be, I’ve tested a couple
by Mark Zakowski, MD Recreational marijuana is currently legal in 15 states plus Washington D.C. and medical marijuana has been legalized in 20 other states. As legalization implies safety, advertisements about the benefits of marijuana and cannabis-related products – as well as widespread availability — abound. But what is missing is clear information about the