
Calming the chaos of all those toys might be easier than you think—we asked an expert to share her tips. Tired of craft supplies on your kitchen table and action figures underfoot? Rebecca Simon of Toronto-based kids interior design firm Maison Ellie shares her tips for finally getting that playroom organized. 1. Purge and sort
This may be uncomfortable to hear, but racism is ingrained in all of us. It’s no longer enough to teach kids not to “see colour”—in fact, it’s harmful. Here’s how to take action. You might hear the expression “anti-racist” and think, “Yes, I’m against racism; therefore, I’m anti-racist.” Many people think this, but “anti-racist” actually
The goal of Smarter Parenting is to help heal and elevate families by providing parental guidance using the evidence-based Teaching-Family Model. For more information about the power of the Teaching-Family Model and Smarter Parenting’s mission, we invite you to visit our website. The Teaching-Family Model has been around for over 60 years and has
Dr. Sarah Garwood, an adolescent pediatrician with Washington University at St. Louis Children’s Hospital discusses the signs, effects and prevention of bullying. The effects of bullying can appear as early as preschool. Bullying instances seem to increase during the elementary school years, peak in middle school, then decrease in frequency in high school. As parents,
Join the Play Pandemic Challenge → And ❤ share this video with 10 friends ( The Parenting Junkie shares how to create flow in your day. No need for strict schedules, just choose 3 big rocks anchored to a time in the day and let the rest flow from there. ? Don’t just survive…thrive.