6 Reasons Why Babies Sleep So Much And When To Worry


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Eat, sleep, look cute, repeat! This is all a baby seems to do during the first crucial months. A newborn needs to sleep and feed adequately to thrive and attain their milestones on time.

However, newborns do not sleep and wake up in the same pattern, as it takes time for them to get adjusted to life outside the womb. An irregular sleep schedule might make new parents wonder if their baby is sleeping too much, and, in some cases, it could be a cause for concern.

In this post, we tell you how to know if your baby is sleeping too much, the possible reasons behind it, and when it is a cause for concern.

How Many Hours Of Sleep Does A Newborn Need?

The sleep requirements of babies change as they grow up. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine

  • Newborns from zero to 12 months need to sleep 12–16 hours a day.
  • Children from one to two years need 11–14 hours of sleep per day (1).

Newborns generally sleep in short intervals of 30–45 minutes and in three- to four-hour increments in a day. However, by the time they reach one year, they tend to sleep for longer hours during nighttime without frequent wake-ups, and the overall sleep time decreases (2).

New parents often complain about how tired they feel because the baby doesn’t sleep and how they wish the baby could sleep for a few more hours. But, is it possible for a baby to sleep too much?

Can Babies Sleep Too much?

Yes, babies can sleep excessively. If your baby has slept for an additional hour or two, it’s normal. However, if they sleep for an extra three to four hours, it can be considered “too much.”

Every baby is unique, and so are their sleep patterns. Some babies fall asleep quickly, whereas others could take some more time. So, before you come to the conclusion that your baby is sleeping too much, you need to observe their sleep patterns and time their naps.

It is common for older babies (four to six months old) to sleep an extra hour or two when they are sick or had a busy day, but if your newborn sleeps for 20 to 22 hours and misses feedings, you need to intervene.

Because of their small tummy size, newborns need to be fed frequently to get the required nutrients. Breastfeeding babies shouldn’t go longer than two to four hours during the day and four hours at night without feeding, and for formula-fed babies, it is three to four hours. The frequent waking up and other hunger cues are indications that you need to feed the baby.

However, some babies are non-demanding or placid and may not show interest in feeding every two to three hours. For such babies, it is advised not to wait for more than three hours between feedings, and you need to wake the baby to feed it, especially in the first two weeks (3). Clues such as the color and duration of urine and stools might help tell if your baby is being fed sufficiently. Try to set the alarm, and diligently wake them up for a feed every two hours.

Remember, if your newborn gains enough weight, poops on time, and shows normal vital signs, you need not worry about them snoozing for a few more hours (while diligently following the  feeding routine).

It is slightly different for older babies. As they grow older, the sleeping patterns begin to fall in place, and they tend to wake up less frequently and take long naps during the night.

Sometimes, your baby might occasionally sleep for an extra hour or two. It could be a concern only if it happens suddenly. Read on to know why some babies sleep more than usual.

Possible Reasons Your Baby Is Sleeping More Than Usual

If your baby starts to sleep more than usual, it could be due to the following reasons.

  1. Babies might sleep for more time when they are going through a growth spurt. According to the results of a study conducted by Dr. Michelle Lampl, et al., “Longer sleep corresponds with greater growth in body length.” So, if your little one is going through a growth spurt, they might be sleeping more (4).
  1. Immunization can also make babies sleep excessively. A study by Linda Franck, et al., found that afternoon immunization causes increased infant sleep in the 24 hours after the immunization (5).
  1. If your baby had a long day or was more active than other days, they could  get tired and sleep for long er than usual.
  1. Severe cases of jaundice can also make the baby sleepy. According to the American Pregnancy Association, extreme  jaundice is characterized by feeding difficulties and extreme sleepiness (6).
  1. Lethargy, drowsiness, and sluggishness could be signs of an infection or low blood sugar. If your baby finds it hard to wake up for feedings, and even when awake, shows no alertness to sounds, you need to talk to your pediatrician (7).
  1. Preterm babies tend to sleep more than full-term babies. If you have a preterm baby, talk to your pediatrician to understand their needs, as they are at a greater risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Sleeping for extended periods,occasionally, may not be a cause for concern, but if your baby shows signs of lethargy or drowsiness and often miss feeds or is not gaining weight, you should be worried. Consult your pediatrician to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

What Should You Do If Your Baby Is Sleeping Too Much?

If your doctor has ruled out medical conditions, and if your baby is gaining normal weight, you can try some of the below tips to keep your baby awake.

Before trying any of these steps, make sure your baby is sleeping for the stipulated time and feeding and pooping normally. You only need to wake your baby up if they are sleeping way beyond the minimum hours and missing feeds, as sleep is of utmost importance for babies to grow and develop cognitive skills.

  1. If your newborn is sleeping and missing feedings, lightly rub or tap on their cheeks to wake them up. You can also try stroking the palms or soles of the feet to wake them.
  1. Babies tend to drift off after a few minutes of feeding. In such a case, take them off the breast, wake them up, and try to latch them again. Repeat this until they are nursed well.
  1. You can also try rubbing the baby’s face with a cool and clean washcloth.
  1. For babies aged six months and above, try to keep them engaged by introducing new toys or play with them until their nap time.
  1. Developing healthy sleep habits may also help older babies to have a quality sleep and stay active during the day.

Every baby is different and has their own unique needs. Monitor your baby carefully to understand their sleep patterns. It is not a good sign if your baby is excessively lethargic, doesn’t attain enough weight, and is not alert. If you notice any of these signs, take them to your pediatrician.


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