Month: July 2020

Reviewed by Emily Henderson, B.Sc.Jul 8 2020 More than a decade into the community development initiative called Healthy Neighborhoods Healthy Families, the 30-block Southern Orchards neighborhood on Columbus, Ohio’s South Side had clear, notable improvement. Home vacancy fell from 30% to under 6%. High school graduation rates increased. More than $40 million in investments were
<h2>The Facebook post reads: </h2><p>”☝️ everyone thinks being a stay at home mom full time is easy.</p><p>— that we are lucky to be able to not have to work.<br>— that we are lazy.<br>— that it’s not “real” work so we have nothing to complain about.</p><p>👉 but the truth is… it’s lonely and overwhelming</p><p>You can’t do
At childcare and preschool, children experience belonging to a community and engage actively with their learning. They also collaborate in groups, which helps them learn how to negotiate, listen and engage together. Learning in this sense is layered and complex in that children aren’t just taught knowledge, but participate in constructing it. And because of
Image: Shutterstock IN THIS ARTICLE Children, at the age of five, display significant autonomy, self-control, and creativity. Their physical abilities are developing fast, and now they can swing, climb, and hop. Undertaking age-specific activities can keep them physically active, boost brain development, and improve their creative thinking. In this post, we share some engaging activities
COOL MACRAME IDEAS FOR HOME There are many ways to make wour home cozier. But when it comes to do it without spending a lot of money, suddenly, there are not so many variants. However, we have a few cool ideas for you (and not only for your home). One of the most interesting skills