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Breastfeeding twins means feeding two babies optimally. However, feeding twins optimally without compromising breast milkquality and quantity is a valid concern for a mother. But this should not stop a mother from breastfeeding her twins.
Experts believe that most mothers can breastfeed twins successfully with proper guidance and prompt support. If you are a new mother to twin babies or expecting twins soon, knowing about breastfeeding twins in detail can help you stay prepared.
This post tells you about how you can breastfeed twins, its benefits, and alternatives to look for when breastfeeding twins isn’t possible.
Why Should You Breastfeed Your Twins?
Twins attain the same benefits by breastfeeding as a singleton. However, these benefits are increasingly prudent for babies born prematurely, which may often be the case in twin birth.
- Breast milk is an easy-to-digest, tailored food offering nutrients to grow and develop. It is crucial for premature babies who are mostly underdeveloped and likely to have an immature digestive system (1).
- Breast milk provides antibodies that boost immunity and help fight infectious diseases. Premature babies are more prone to infections than babies born full-term (2).
- Breastfeeding allows the mother to interact with the babies and have skin-to-skin contact, which boosts the baby’s overall growth and development. It is preeminent for premature babies who need kangaroo care to hasten development and reduce hospital stays (3).
Other than these, breastfeeding boosts the mother-baby bond essential to develop trust.
How To Breastfeed Twins?
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the best way to breastfeed twins is to feed them simultaneously (tandem breastfeeding), establishing a twin nursing schedule (4). It means that if one baby is awake and ready to feed, you should wake up the other baby and feed them as well.
The first few weeks after birth, infants feed eight to 12 times per day, for about 20 to 30 minutes per session. In such a schedule, feeding two babies at different times can become taxing, leaving no time for the mother to rest.
In case you aren’t comfortable yet feeding two babies simultaneously, feed the weak feeder first and the other one later. Once you get the hang of tandem feeding, practice the right position so that you and the babies are comfortable during nursing. As the babies grow, they will develop their sleep-wake cycles owing to which you may have to feed them separately.
Appropriate Positions To Breastfeed Twins Simultaneously
During nursing, positioning yourself and the babies comfortably is necessary to avert unnecessary physical strain. Below are some breastfeeding positions to try (5) (6).
- Double football hold or double-clutch: Place the babies on pillows almost under your arm such that their legs point backward. Support their heads and backs with your hands and arms, respectively. This position lets you avoid any pressure on your belly, especially after a C-section.
- Double cradle hold or front cross: Place both the babies in the cradle position wherein their legs overlap and make an X in your lap. Use your arms to support their backs and your hands to support their heads. You may stay seated or lie while feeding in this position, especially while feeding the babies at night.
- Cradle and football hold: Place one baby in the cradle position and the other in a football position. The baby who latches easily should be placed in the cradle position and the other in the football hold.
- Upright latch hold: In this breastfeeding position, each baby latches to a breast while seated in an upright position. The babies could sit on your legs, or you may place a pillow. You will still have to support their back and heads with your arms and hands.
You may initially need help to position the babies during breastfeeding. However, with practice, both you and your babies will learn to adjust to the chosen breastfeeding position.
Tips To Breastfeed Twins
Below are some simple tips to ensure the safe and optimum breastfeeding of twins.
- Get a feeding or nursing pillow: You can use bed pillows or cushions as props to support babies, your back, and your arms while feeding. However, arranging regular pillows or cushions for every feed and keeping them in place while nursing could be a hassle. Therefore, it is good to consider using a specialized twin-feeding or nursing pillow.
- Seek support and position the babies properly: When you begin feeding, putting two babies on your breast could require help. It is essential to seek support as proper positioning of the babies is vital for correct latchingand comfortable feeding. If you are alone, pick a position that offers maximum support and works the best for you and your babies.
- Ascertain they are latching right: Once your babies are appropriately positioned, check if they have latched correctly. You can tell a baby has latched correctly when their lips flange out and cover the entire areola. You will also see the baby move their mouth and neck while swallowing. Improper latching could affect the amount of milk consumed by the baby and also cause other nursing issues, such as sore nipplesfor the mother.
- Shift breasts: You may feel that one of your babies or both are more comfortable feeding on one breast, compelling you to let them feed on that breast. But experts advise switching breasts for each baby at each feeding session. It is done so that both breasts get equal stimulation, otherwise breastfeeding problems, such as breast engorgement and clogged milk ducts, may occur.
- Take advice and follow what suits you: If you can’t breastfeed twins simultaneously, consult your healthcare provider or lactation consultant and explore feeding one baby at a time or feeding expressed milk to one baby. If breast milk production and supply aren’t enough to meet the needs of two, don’t hesitate to enquire about formula use.
- Focus on your health and well-being: Breastfeeding two is a demanding task requiring you to stay healthy and active. It is crucial for good milk flow and to pass the breastfeeding journey Therefore, you must eat a well-balanced diet containing various foods and exercise regularly. You may consult a certified nutritionist to get a customized diet plan suitable for your needs.
You can also join community groups where you can interact with mothers who currently are or were breastfeeding twins. It will give you motivational and emotional support vital for breastfeeding twins.
What To Do If Breastfeeding Twins Is Not Possible?
While several mothers breastfeed their twins successfully, it may not be possible in some cases. In such instances, experts advise supplementing breastfeeding with infant formula. Additionally, you may feed expressed or pumped breast milk to one or both the babies using a bottle.
Many mothers may be able to breastfeed one baby at a time if not simultaneously, and you may explore this option as well. Monitor the babies’ growth and development and talk to your healthcare provider in case of any concerns.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Will I make enough milk to breastfeed two?
Yes, most mothers make enough milk to breastfeed their twins (7). Breast milk production is based on demand and supply; thus, the more you breastfeed, the more milk you make. Nevertheless, if you suspect your milk supply isn’t sufficient, you can consult a lactation expert for solutions.
2. How many calories does a mother burn when breastfeeding twins?
A healthy breastfeeding mother burns around 500 to 700Kcal per day to produce milk while nursing a singleton (8). If you are breastfeeding twins, you may burn more calories since your breasts need to produce almost double the milk.
Breastfeeding twins is a demanding task that could require adequate practice initially. While most mothers can pass this journey smoothly, a few may discover challenges, which can be passed through patience, persistence, and appropriate guidance. Remember to focus on your health, too, since it will greatly influence the production and supply of breast milk for your twins.