Month: December 2020

It’s been approximately 3,523,789 days since the beginning of this year, so it’s no surprise that you might want to celebrate the end of this incredibly challenging, exhausting and mind-numbing year with a cocktail or three. Luckily for you, we’ve curated some of the tastiest (and most festive) cocktail recipes for your celebration. We’ve tried
There are tons and tons of hacks and DIYs out there that claim to be the real deal, but if you never try, you’ll never know. So today, we’ve tested a bunch of them to see if they work or not. You can also carry out your own experiments and tests at home and see
Researchers at the Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine have revealed that alterations in fetal microglia resulting from maternal inflammation could contribute towards the onset of developmental and psychiatric disorders. The research team including PhD student OZAKI Kana and Professor YAMADA Hideto et al. from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology observed that infant mice
With six weeks to go until her due date, Leah Cardin, a teacher in Burlington, Ont., was feeling confident in her birth plan. Her first labour, in 2017, had gone smoothly, and she hoped to have another positive experience with minimal interventions while delivering her second baby, who was due in April 2020. But then
When a person has an infection, the body activates immune responses to fight it. IFNγ is an inflammatory molecule produced by the immune system that helps fight infections. However, long-term exposure to IFNγ has undesirable consequences – it irreversibly exhausts blood stem cells, the progenitors of all blood cells, including immune cells, by triggering their
Don’t worry if your preschooler hasn’t mastered the basics of handwriting before kindergarten. But you can definitely practise the skills that will eventually improve their penmanship. In the past week, my four-year-old, Maisie, and I have used cookie cutters to press various letters out of cheese, traced her name in shaving cream in the bathroom
Many parents and paediatricians swear by it, yet some maternity-ward nurses tell new moms and dads that it’s too dangerous to try at home. What gives? When Melissa Romain had her first baby at a Toronto hospital in 2016, the nurses demonstrated how to swaddle him and encouraged her to continue doing it at home.
For the first time in the world, the humanoid robot iCub, developed and built by researchers at IIT-Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology), enters a rehabilitation facility to take part in an experimental therapy to treat cognitive impairments in children with autism spectrum condition. The experimental protocol has been defined by the IIT
Hello there, beauty lovers! What’s new in the world of beauty hacks and tricks? As it turns out, a lot! Today we’re bringing you a bunch of new and awesome ideas to improve your DIY arsenal. These hacks can literally save you tons of trouble and headaches when it comes to hairstyling, fashion, and makeup.
For over 20 years, the Genetics Service at the KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH) has been providing clinical care to patients with genetic disorders. In 2014, BRIDGES (Bringing Research Innovations for the Diagnosis of GEnetic diseases in Singapore) was set up, in collaboration with genomic research institutes at SingHealth, Agency for Science, Technology and
Image: Shutterstock IN THIS ARTICLE Imagine eating food, talking, or smiling without teeth. Teeth are essential since they make our smiles appealing and play an important role in the digestion process. Teeth also affect our speech and may influence its development in childhood. Tooth decay (also called cavities or caries) refers to the tooth’s damage