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Cough can be due to various reasons, ranging from a mild airway irritation to something that requires immediate attention. Parents or caregivers rush to a coughing baby to see what is wrong with them and sometimes see the little one giggling with a naughty face. That’s a fake cough. You may smile and cough back, and it can be a fun game for a while.
If your baby fakes a cough, there is nothing to worry about, and it is normal as they are learning new skills and socializing. However, if your baby looks ill, or has a more prolonged cough, seek help from a pediatrician. Even if you know your baby fakes cough, keep an eye on them when they cough to ensure nothing is wrong.
Read this post to know more about reasons, tips to stop your baby from faking coughs, and ways to differentiate real cough from fake cough in babies.
Is Fake Coughing In Babies Normal?
In most cases, fake coughs are a trick to get the caregiver’s attention. Most parents or caregivers say “bless you,” cuddle, talk to the baby, wipe the nose, etc., of a coughing baby. Thus, it is normal for little ones to fake coughs or sneezes for extra attention (1).
Fake coughs might begin at the age of six months, when babies become more social by playing with parents and respond to sounds by making sounds (2). A baby’s developing brain may be curious to try ways of communicating and seeking attention from parents.
Babies cough, sneeze, or make noises since they are learning to make sounds. Therefore, it is normal for the baby to fake cough, and it is nothing to worry about if your baby is playful and not coughing a lot.
Reasons Behind A Baby’s Fake Cough
Faking a cough indicates your baby is developing new skills. Babies may fake cough due to following reasons.
1. To get attention
Sometimes babies may discover coughing is an excellent way to get attention from parents. Your little attention seeker can be inspired to fake cough by seeing the special attention a coughing person receives, especially if their sibling gets attention for coughing. Babies may also perceive coughing as a way to communicate or socialize.
2. Learning to make noises
Faking a cough can be a preverbal developmental skill. Many babies tend to imitate the voices that they hear before they start talking. It is usual for a little one to mimic the cough sound after listening to someone cough.
3. Playing
Babies may think it’s a way to play with parents or caregivers. Parental reactions towards a fake cough could make your baby feel that imitating or faking a cough is a fun game. A baby who fakes a cough for playing starts to giggle or smile when they get your attention.
Note: Always ensure that your baby has a fake cough. Certain conditions, such as asthma or some airway irritants could cause dry cough for a short time, and the baby may look fine. Excess drooling due to teething or a postnasal drip may also cause dry cough in babies. However, it is uncommon for babies to giggle or be playful if they have a real dry cough.
How To Differentiate A Real Cough From A Fake Cough In Babies?
Babies usually stop faking coughs when they get attention, and they typically smile or giggle when you pay attention to their fake cough, which sounds more like a dry cough than a wet cough.
A real cough can signify respiratory illnesses such as pneumonia, bacterial bronchitis, or even aspiration of a foreign body into the airways that may require immediate medical care. So, ignoring continuous coughs in babies is not a good idea.
Many respiratory conditions can cause cough and other associated signs and symptoms, such as the following (3).
- Fever
- Runny or stuffy nose
- Excessive drooling
- Irritable
- Lack of appetite
- Sleeping troubles
- Pale skin
- Cyanosis
- Breathing troubles
- Gagging
You may feel that your baby is faking coughs, but if they have other signs and symptoms, seek medical help.
Note: It is not common for babies to fake coughs for a longer duration, or to have habit cough (psychogenic cough, tic cough, or somatic cough syndrome) without any physical illness. It is rare for a baby to fake a cough to tell you that they are sick since an ill or stressed baby tends to cry.
How To Stop Babies From Faking A Cough?
It can be playful if your baby fakes a cough one or two times. But, if they do it continuously, it can be a bit annoying. If your baby fakes cough too often, you may have to say “No fake coughs,” and ask them what they want. Use a gentle voice to communicate with your baby; a loud voice could scare them since they may not understand what you say.
If your baby fakes cough often, ignore when they cough to seek attention. Babies who cough for attention will naturally stop doing it when the parents or caregivers ignore it.
When To See A Doctor
If your baby has a cough with other signs of respiratory illness, seek medical care. Coughing in infants younger than three months requires the attention of a pediatrician. Sometimes, you may have to visit a pediatrician to confirm fake coughs since you may accidentally ignore real dry coughs.
Dry coughs, wet coughs, whooping cough, barking (croup) cough, nocturnal cough, and other coughs require medical evaluation and treatment. A baby can’t fake coughs for a longer time, so seek medical care if they are coughing continuously.
Although it can be cute to see your little one trying to fake a cough, encouraging them may not be ideal. Over time, if babies continue to do it often, it can be annoying for the parents. Babies tend to fake cough again when you pay attention and play with them. Encourage them to play and interact with you in other ways and sounds instead of faking or imitating a cough or sneeze.