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Only someone who fills their own cup – until it spilleth over can fill others cup.
Do not get on the excuses train – exhaustion mainly. You are the adult, you MUST take care of yourself. This is good parenting.
– get into the self-care mindset – give yourself permission NOW to treat yourself with reverence
– scan your environment for support: neighbors, babysitting swaps, bartering time with a friend, nanny share
– make choices based on what will feel good for you: your career, your sport.
– clear out your house, clear out your schedule – SIMPLIFY
– zero in on what is self-care for you: is it a clean house? the gym? coffee with your girlfriends? time to write or draw? hint: it isn’t watching TV and overeating.
– increase your kids capacity to PLAY ALONE
– Have more playdates – low key and easy – having friends for you too makes parenting less isolating and more fun
– treat each thing you do mindfully. You eat right? treat it like the ultimate snack. sit down. look at your food. You shower right? meditate. play amazing music. these things don’t take more time.
– Find simpler, smaller ways to do the things you love. Instead of full on hair and makeup have a minimized make up routine, instead of going to the gym go for a quick work.
– do it WITH your kids. when it becomes a fact – it’s not a question each time. If mum does 15 minutes of yoga, and everything (barring emergency) has to wait during that time – so be it. this will model self-respect and care to your children too. Further, if you’re dying for a shower put some bubbles on the bathroom floor and hop in.
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↓↓↓Watch more from The Parenting Junkie↓↓↓
A Day in My Life (homeschooling 3 littles) → https://youtu.be/x2NBxw5cXkc
Play Space Design – The 3 Play Zones → https://youtu.be/E8ag-EDKqj4
Handling Tantrums with Dr. Laura Markham → https://youtu.be/mQrqRaNIA5g
The Play Toddlers Need – Schemas → https://youtu.be/hHzSj0eMbwM
Your Child HIT You? → https://youtu.be/OYwIG3nmYGQ
Goodbye “Good Job!” → https://youtu.be/L7oArVUe_Jo
How to Ignore Your Child → https://youtu.be/giOhozdaTKw
Should I Punish My Kids? → https://youtu.be/mmeZlu_s_rY
Labeling is Disabling → https://youtu.be/c7dkWZXBVgA
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